Lewis Family Cemetery

Central, East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States


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These 2 cemeteries are located right next to each other. The larger one (on the south side) with a 'U' drive thru it is known as Blackwater United Methodist Church Cemetery (with that particular church located across the road). Adjoining that cemetery on the North side is the Lewis Family Cemetery. There is no fence separating them one from the other. The give away is when the grounds crew comes to mow the Blackwater Methodist Church cemetery, that is the only one they mow, leaving the grass alone in the Lewis Family Cemetery. With the longer grass, you can tell where the line is separating the two. There are a few concrete house piers that roughly mark out the boundary line. I walked the Lewis Family Cemetery and took photos of the graves on that parcel. Most people think that all of it is the Blackwater church cemetery, but it's not. I did estimate on location to North based on this message.
Lewis Family Cemetery, Criado por Nolan, Central, East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States