Monongahela Cemetery

Monongahela, Washington, Pennsylvania, United States


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A few words on the history of Monongahela Cemetery: It was a hot, summer day in 1863. The Civil War raged on, with Confederate troops fast advancing toward Northern soil. All able men of the Mon Valley were enlisted in the war effort. Sadly, many returned to their home ground in rough wooden coffins. A small city cemetery soon reached capacity. As the number of war dead grew, a group of concerned citizens gathered at Caleb Harvey's public house to discuss the need for a final resting place for their felled compatriots. At that meeting, the citizens moved to purchase a parcel of land from local farmer William McClure to establish a cemetery that would serve the Mon Valley for generations to come. Hare & Hare, 19th-century landscape architects of national repute, designed the cemetery grounds. Their work—and the efforts of the Monongahela citizens—laid the foundation for what is today one of the areas finest cemeteries. *note* - zoom out on the map above to see which graves have been photographed. We are starting from the north end and working south.) There is also a cemetery in Donora, PA called Monongahela Valley Memorial Park. These are close but not the same.
Monongahela Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, Monongahela, Washington, Pennsylvania, United States