Old Warrington-Woolsey Cemetery

Pensacola, Escambia, Florida, United States


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Cemetery is inside the Barrancus National Cemetery In the 1830s, residents of the towns of Old Warrington & Woolsey established a cemetery on a high bluff overlooking Pensacola Bay. This cemetery was surrounded by a wrought iron fence and divided into two parts. One portion was for whites and the other portion was for freedmen and slaves. On this high bluff, the cemetery remained for the next hundred years. Those buried in this cemetery were from the villages of Warrington, Woolsey, and a tent city that also stood upon the bluff not far from the cemetery. Most were hired for the construction of the Navy Yard and the nearby Military Forts- Barrancas, McRae, Redoubt, and Pickens. The Navy Yard continued to expand and by the early 1930s, it purchased the Old Town of Warrington. Additional landing strips were needed so it was decided to relocate the Warrington-Woolsey Cemetery. It began in 1934 when the Navy contracted to relocate 840 bodies with their original headstones. Most of the bodies were re-interred in an area now known as the Barrancas National Cemetery with others moved to the St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery and a few to cemeteries of the family's choosing. Today there are only 304 records of the original 840 interments.
Old Warrington-Woolsey Cemetery, Criado por tvbusybee, Pensacola, Escambia, Florida, United States