Paw Paw Creek Cemetery

Salem, Washington, Ohio, United States


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Also known as: Corinth Church Cemetery, Old Everett Schmitt Cemetery. This cemetery is located on private land which once housed a Union Church. The church had several fires and after being replaced several times it was decided to forgo rebuilding and sell the land. The last known burial according to the tombstones is 1882. There is a farm house across the street to which this piece of property belongs (it no longer belongs to Everitt Schmidt). The cemetery is located up a fairly steep hill behind an abandoned Christmas Tree Farm. The monuments can no longer be seen due to extremely poor upkeep of the cemetery. The area is infested with a thicket of briars 8-10 feet tall and solid enough not to be able to see through. The only way to get to the graves is to literally crawl through. The last two people who attempted this (with the owner's permission) encountered rattlesnakes, unsafe ground due to the degradation of the caskets and came out extremely scraped up. (Despite efforts to clean up this cemetery the township has no interest at this time in doing so as there is no access road into it.)
Paw Paw Creek Cemetery, Criado por JFW, Salem, Washington, Ohio, United States