Penitentiary Annex Cemetery

Salem, Marion, Oregon, United States


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Cemetery notes and/or description: The cemetery is on the grounds of the school pictured here. The school located south east of Salem on Turner Road, opened November 5, 1891 and was initially intended for wayward boys. It later became a home for boys whose parents could not care for them. While there are now only 5 grave markers found in the cemetery with dates of 1908 and 1910, it was thought that a number of boys died in the flu epidemic of 1918. Residents of the school were transferred to Maclaren School in Woodburn in 1929 and the property was turned over to the Oregon State prison as a Farm Annex. The cemetery is located on the grounds of the Oregon State Prison Farm Annex, now called Mill Creek Correctional Facility. During the productive years of the farm, herds of cows sometimes strayed over the area where the cemetery is located causing damage to the grave markers. Since the 1950's the grave yard has been fenced and maintained by inmates. Access to the cemetery requires permission of the Department of Corrections and an escort from the DOC.
Penitentiary Annex Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, Salem, Marion, Oregon, United States