Pleasant Garden United Methodist Church Cemetery

Fentress, Guilford, North Carolina, United States


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From the Pleasant Garden Methodist Church website :\n\n The Pleasant Garden United Methodist Church has owned and operated a cemetery since the early 1800’s. Our cemetery is located at the intersection of Pleasant Garden Road and Sheraton Park Road in Pleasant Garden across the road in a southeastern direction from our church. It is a rolling track of land, covering approximately four acres. Two of our former churches have stood in this cemetery. Although a church property, the cemetery is financed entirely by money received in the form of donations, interest from certificates of deposit, sale of gravesites and miscellaneous income. No expense incurred in the operation of the cemetery is paid for by the general budget of the church.\n\n It is believed that the first person to be buried in our cemetery was an orphan girl who was staying with Henry Hendrix and his wife, Mary, who were members of our first congregation in the early 1800’s. Since then, there have been Civil War soldiers, veterans of all wars since, members of our congregation, and others buried in the cemetery.\n\n There are many weathered tombstones in the cemetery, many of them with inscriptions all but illegible due to the elements of time. Many of them give a good idea of the age of our cemetery.\n\nIn 1986, our Church Cemetery Committee began a program to clean the grounds and bring our cemetery and its records up-to-date. The boundaries of the cemetery were overgrown with brambles, weeds and scrub growth of young trees.\n\n The only map available was one made in 1937 that detailed only a small percentage or about 10% of the actual property.\n\n The first step was to have a survey made of the property; define the boundaries and map each gravesite. An agreement was entered with Trulove Engineering Company of Greensboro, North Carolina to do this job. After the cemetery was surveyed, the undergrowth was bulldozed, the grounds leveled and the trash hauled off. The newly cleared area was seeded. In 1988, a project was begun to reset and repair broken and fallen stones.
Pleasant Garden United Methodist Church Cemetery, Criado por cnesbit, Fentress, Guilford, North Carolina, United States