Presbyterian Cemetery and Columbarium

Alexandria, Alexandria, Virginia, United States


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This cemetery, founded in 1809, is still active. Earlier burials associated with Alexandria’s Presbyterian congregation are located in the churchyard of the Old Presbyterian Meeting House at 321 South Fairfax Street, originally constructed in 1775. Over the years, the Presbyterian Cemetery has provided burial space for Alexandria’s merchants, ship captains, veterans of the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Civil War (including those who served for both North and South) a half dozen of Alexandria’s mayors, numerous representatives of the city’s governing council, and at least one member of the U.S. House of Representatives. One of the most imposing grave markers, a shroud over the top of an obelisk, belongs to Dr. William Harper, a Presbyterian elder. An unusual skull and bone carving marks the graves of the Pascoe family children. More information about the historic interments is provided in brochures available at the cemetery entrance gates and on the cemetery website.
Presbyterian Cemetery and Columbarium, Criado por weavta, Alexandria, Alexandria, Virginia, United States