Ramah Presbyterian Church Cemetery

15, Huntersville, Mecklenburg, North Carolina, United States


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Cemetery notes and/or description:\nFrom the book \"They Would Call It Ramah Grove\" 1999 by Nell Bradford Jenkins.\n\nThe burying ground lies across the road from the church and, as far as I know, is the original and only burying ground. Many of the graves are unmarked, the stones having disappeared over the years. This plot of land tells many a tragic story, of families who tried year after year to start a family, only to have the child survive only a day. Many graves hold a mother with an infant buried in her arms. Many fell prey to disease for which there was no cure at that time. A few graves hold young men who died while serving their country. We trust they are all in better hands.
Ramah Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Criado por MJM6161, 15, Huntersville, Mecklenburg, North Carolina, United States