Rockland Almshouse Burying Ground

Rockland, Knox, Maine, United States


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Also known over the years as the City Farm Cemetery, Poor Farm Cemetery and Evergreen Cemetery. Located on West Meadow Rd. near the Mill Stream. \n\nThe Almshouse Poor Farm that was located next to the cemetery was the original Isaiah Tolman homestead. It closed in 1959. \n\nThere are only two marked graves. Over time the metal markers have been moved from their original locations. There are a few other surviving metal markers with no names or are illegible.\n\nThere are four unidentified sailors that were found off the coast of Maine in 1942 buried here. It is thought that they are from one or more merchant ships sunk by German U-boats during WWII.
Rockland Almshouse Burying Ground, Criado por Sally, Rockland, Knox, Maine, United States