Saint Paul Lutheran Cemetery

Brokenhead, Winnipeg (city), Manitoba, Canada


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From Manitoba Hwy markers 85N and 47E, travel west on 85N for 1/2 a mile. The St. Paul's Lutheran Church Brokenhead in the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead was formed in 1936 in the home of Wilhelm Fiebelkorn at SE3-15-8E where the first church services were held. The first elders of the church were Albert Beyer, Gottlieb Fiebelkorn, Charlie Fiebelkorn, and Wilhelm Fiebelkorn. In 1938, Adolf Fiebelkorn donated two acres of land to the church, and construction started on the St. Paul's Lutheran Church. The church was completed in 1940 and it operated until 1965. The church building was sold to a local landowner who moved it to his property for use as a workshop. A committee of three local residents serve as caretakers of the cemetery. They arrange an annual cemetery service on the third Sunday in August. Inquiries to the committee can be made via the Sobering Funeral Chapel and Crematorium in Beausejour.
Saint Paul Lutheran Cemetery, Criado por v0rtex2o14, Brokenhead, Winnipeg (city), Manitoba, Canada