Saint Thomas Chapel Cemetery

Alto, Cherokee, Texas, United States


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While on a weekend vacation we were watching for new cemeteries that are not on Billion Graves. This one was right off of the State Highway 21. It has a sign on the road that\'s pointing to the cemetery. We tried to sit in the cemetery and use the Billion Graves GPS to add the cemetery but we were so far out that we had no cell phone service. I did take pictures of this cemetery and the sign. We hope to be able to go back out to this cemetery on another day to document it. None of our pictures have the GPS on them because it didn\'t work. This cemetery has headstones behind the church (the L shaped building on the right) on the right side of the road as well as some headstones on the left side of the road outside of the cemetery fence. It is on the corner of West State Highway 21 and County Road 2905.\n
Saint Thomas Chapel Cemetery, Criado por BlueBonnet, Alto, Cherokee, Texas, United States