St Andrews United Free Church, Bellshill

Bellshill, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom


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Our congregation have been meeting for worship for over 250 years. In 1929 the congregation chose the name of St Andrew as the new name of the Church. The “Dissenters” who established our Congregation, withdrew from Bothwell Parish Church in September 1762. At that time, any situation of vacancy was resolved by the “Law of Patronage”, this was the situation at Bothwell. Bothwell Parish became vacant in April 1761 and a Mr. James Baillie, minister of Shotts, was presented to Bothwell Parish as the Sole Nominee by the Tutors of the Duke of Hamilton – since the Duke (the Patron) was only a child. There was no objection to Mr. Baillie on the grounds of character or ability. Nothing in the records shows that the dissatisfied members were looking for trouble – their only grievance was that Mr. Baillie was the nominee of the Patron – in this instance the young Duke’s factor. Only 8 persons signed the Call, yet James Baillie was inducted to the Charge. The “Dissenters” withdrew from the church and formed the “First Relief Church in the West.” The first church on the site was completed in August 1763 – it was built to sit 700, but enlarged shortly after.In 1846 the old, plain church building with its loft and floor was taken down. On 7th May, 1846 the foundation stone of the current building was laid, the church opened for public worship on the 13th December 1846. On Saturday, 1lth January, 1941, not long after the beginning of the Second World War, the church was destroyed by fire, only the four walls remaining. Bright, modern, and costing £21, 437 15s. 11d. (Year Book 1951), the church was reopened on 1st September, 1950, free of debt. The Year Book also states “It is pleasing to note that this expenditure has been made without outside assistance” A mound in the churchyard marks the site of the common grave of Bellshill victims who died when the cholera pandemic of 1875-1876 which swept through this area. Unfortunately all records were destroyed in the church fire of 1941.
St Andrews United Free Church, Bellshill, Criado por GarryBeresford, Bellshill, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom