St Margarets Church, Northam

Torridge, Devon, England, United Kingdom


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St. Margaret's church dates from 1250 and in years gone by its prominent position and high tower has made it a landmark for shipping in Bideford Bay.This 13th century church is believed to have been constructed around 1250 with the first record of its Benefice in 1261. The original church footprint has been extended and restored in various phases. The church tower has historical importance as a landmark for sailing ships. It has a polygonal stair turret on the side and houses a magnificent peel of 8 bells. The church is constructed of rubble and dressed stone with slate pitched roofs and with buttresses. There is a 13th century, good stained glass including a Millenium Window. The fine organ was installed 1866 and decorated by heraldic expert Revd Charles Boutell and his daughter. The wide nave has a wagon roof on angels. The churchyard at the time of writing is beautifully taken care of and gravestones are well preserved. There is a separate cemetery created and maintained by the local council since the about the 1950's.
St Margarets Church, Northam, Criado por Devon39, Torridge, Devon, England, United Kingdom