Star Hill Cemetery

New Ulm, Austin, Texas, United States


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War of 1812 veteran Bryant Daughtrey and his wife, Anna (Roberts), moved to Texas in 1822 as part of Stephen F. Austin's second colony. In 1829, they moved to land here in present Austin County. When Anna died in 1847, Bryant buried her at this site, and he later moved from the area. His sons James and Edward eventually sold the family property to Frederick W. Sternenberg. His family also used the cemetery. He buried his wife, Julia H. (Brauss), here in 1861, and Sternenberg and a grandson, Gustav, were interred at the site in 1869. In 1878, Rudolph Sternenberg sold, the land to Charles Wendt, with one acre reserved for the cemetery. The local community and its burial ground as well as a school in operation until 1928, came to be known as Star Hill, the English translation for the Sternenberg name. Star Hill Community residents continue to use the early burial ground, which is maintained by an association that was formed by James Edward Huebner in 1975. It includes descendants of pioneer area settlers, as well as friends and neighbors. Among those interred here are veterans of military conflicts dating to the Civil War. Marker erected by Texas Historical Commission 2004
Star Hill Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, New Ulm, Austin, Texas, United States