Swan Point Cemetery

Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States


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Cemetery PV003 in Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission Database. Established in 1846 and still active, Swan Point Cemetery is a tranquil, meticulously maintained, 200-acre garden cemetery located in the northeast corner of Providence, Rhode Island. Extending from Blackstone Boulevard easterly to the shore of the Seekonk River, our grounds are a pleasant combination of lawns and drives, forest trees, and a luxurious undergrowth of laurel, rhododendrons, azaleas and other flowering shrubs. There are steep banks and deep ravines by the riverside, and from the open places, there are peaceful vistas of the river and the surrounding countryside. Swan Point’s expansive grounds make up the largest green space in the city of Providence. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Swan Point is a nonsectarian cemetery and welcomes people of all races and religions. Whether in the preplanning stage or when there is an immediate need for our assistance, we take special care to be certain that families’ needs, desires, and religious traditions are met. We are committed to providing a place where the ritual of caring for the deceased and honoring the traditions of ritual is our goal. Our compassionate, knowledgeable counselors are available for assistance and advice at any stage of the planning process. Picturesque and serene, the cemetery is ideally suited as a resting place as well as a place to seek inspiration, take a walk or bicycle ride, quietly reflect, or simply commune with nature. We encourage you to discover our rich history and spend some time visiting the beautiful grounds of Swan Point Cemetery.
Swan Point Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States