Union Campground Cemetery

North Campbell No. 2, Greene, Missouri, United States


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Also known as Gollnick Cemetery. Cemetery notes and/or description taken partly from Find A Grave: Please keep in mind when requesting photos of headstones that in the 1990's vandals destroyed most all of the headstones in the cemetery, and some that were not destroyed were stolen and are still missing to this day. The Union Camp Ground Cemetery AKA: Gollnick Cemetery or Camp Ground Cemetery Section 3 Township 29N Range 21W 2nd North Campbell Township. Directions: The Union Campground Cemetery is located 500 ft north of Valley Water Mill Road at the northeast corner of U.S. Highway 65 and Valley Water Mill Road. If you follow Highway 65 North from Springfield and go past (under) I-44, you need to take the first exit which is Valley Water Mill Road. You need to turn right and turn around, then you can park on the northside of Valley Water Mill Road headed west. Walk west down the ditch on the northside of Valley Water Mill Road. You will come to a cable across the path. You then follow the path down the hill (North) and up to the Southwest corner to enter the cemetery. If you know of someone who is buried there who is not on the cemetery's list, or have further information on someone buried there please contact the association and let them know. The cemetery's association now has a website. http://www.unioncampgroundcemetery.org/
Union Campground Cemetery, Criado por Dakender, North Campbell No. 2, Greene, Missouri, United States