Wyoming State Hospital Cemetery

Evanston, Uinta, Wyoming, United States


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The Wyoming State Hospital is the Mental Health Facility for Wyoming located in Evanston. This is actually 2 cemeteries (Upper 1887-1933) and Lower 1933-1951). They are located on a hill West of the hospital complex. A large number of the graves are identified with a marker stating "With Respect" but no other identification. The remainder have the name of the individual and the date of birth, if known. Access the site by driving Northeast on 2nd Street off Front Street, going behind the Walmart on a dirt road for a few hundred feet. In the early 1970's Interstate 80 was constructed around Evanston bisecting the hospital property and isolating the cemeteries from the complex. The cemeteries are surrounded by wire fences but are not marked and the graves are overgrown with grass and weeds. Incidentally, I discovered the cemetery accidentally while geocaching.
Wyoming State Hospital Cemetery, Criado por denis_ashton, Evanston, Uinta, Wyoming, United States