Ziegels Union Church Cemetery

Breinigsville, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, United States


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In 1750, our congregations erected the first church, a log building, and dedicated it on the 29th of July that same year. From the start, Ziegels was established as a Union Church, meaning it was home to two congregations who shared the care and expenses of the church. Originally established by the Evangelical Lutheran and German Reformed traditions, the church today is home to their descendants, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the United Church of Christ (UCC). 1864 Church Building – click to enlarge The name Ziegels derives from the German word ziegel or tile as the first log church had a tile roof, typical of many structures at that time in Germany. In addition to the church, the congregations made provisions for a schoolhouse and a “spacious burying ground.”
Ziegels Union Church Cemetery, Criado por zettlemoyerd, Breinigsville, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, United States