All Saints Church, Winterslow

West Winterslow, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom


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There has been a church on this site for over 900 years. The oldest parts of the structure are the two front round arches on the south side. These are Norman and date from the late eleventh century. Originally there would have been no pews in the church, but by the eighteenth century the building was crowded with them.In 1850 it was completely rebuilt and extended. On the pillar by the font is a drawing of a Doom painting found above the chancel arch at the time of the restoration, but completely destroyed by the new work. Few of the memorials, which date from the late sixteenth century onwards, are in their original places – indeed some are on walls or in aisles that did not exist before 1850. The monuments are mainly to members of the Thistlethwayte family, who were lords of the manor and rectors here for some 200 years Revd Nils Bersweden, The Rectory Winterslow Salisbury SP5 1RE .
All Saints Church, Winterslow, Criado por SueCD, West Winterslow, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom