St Peters Church, West Tytherley

Test Valley, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom


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There was a medieval church stood where the graveyard is now. In 1831 the decision was made to pull down the old church and build a new one on a plot of land given by Charles Baring Wall.Flint from the medieval building was used to construct the new church, which was completed with and consecrated in 1833. One feature that survived the old church is the font, made of Purbeck marble around 1200. This was removed from the church, possibly during Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth, and used as a cattle trough. It was returned to the church relatively recently and restored. The chief historic treasure of the church are the bells. The oldest bell has been dated to 1260 and is thought to be one of the oldest bells in the world.
St Peters Church, West Tytherley, Criado por Georgina, Test Valley, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom