Foots Cray Baptist Church

London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom


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Foots Cray Baptist Church grew from the initiative of Mr W.H. Colyer, a member of Eynsford Baptist Church who came to live in the village of Foots Cray. He licensed his house for public worship, and when he later returned to Farningham to live he left behind a thriving fellowship, now too large for the house and meeting in the Foots Cray Paper Mill (Nash's). At about this time land was needed to provide a burial ground for members of the fellowship, as the Anglicans would not allow their graveyard to be used by the Baptists. On the 24th March 1836 the foundation stone of a proposed church on this land was laid, and the building opened for worship in August that year. There has been worship and witness here on Sidcup Hill from that time. Before the buses, members came by horse and cart. In 1859 gas light was installed, and not changed for electricity until the centenary in 1936.
Foots Cray Baptist Church, Criado por SteveN, London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom