Redeemed Christian Church of God, St Pauls Cray

Orpington, Greater London, England, United Kingdom


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Set alongside the River Cray. The 11th-century church, made redundant in 1978 but now occupied by the Redeemed Christian Church of God, is sited on Main Road on the attractive riverside section of the St Paul's Cray Conservation Area. From its structural form, it would appear to be a possibly Saxon foundation and certainly earlier than the thirteenth-century St Mary's. A rare dedication suggests that a church could have occupied the site in the early seventh century. (Paulinus was an early Christian missionary, and a close contemporary of Augustine who subsequently became Archbishop of York and Bishop of Rochester.)
Redeemed Christian Church of God, St Pauls Cray, Criado por SteveN, Orpington, Greater London, England, United Kingdom